School Tours
School Tours, Trekking Programs are important
School Tours, The schools should make Trekking Programs compulsory because it benefits the children in different ways. Teaching children about the natural world should be considered the most important thing.
We are happy because some schools have joined our trekking programs and trek with “Himalayan Hikers” regularly.
School Tours: Practical Knowledge is Necessary
It is very important for a child to see the world which lies beyond the technology.
In today’s world, everybody is so much busy in their lives that giving time or looking forward to anything beyond ourselves is the hardest task.
In this busy life, we forget to make children aware of the surroundings and environment, sending them a school for education is good but the knowledge they are getting is theoretical and for better understanding of Life,
practical knowledge is necessary which they gained by experiencing new things.
The books can teach them the lesson but the experience can make them learn.
School Tours: Why Trekking is good for Children?
Better Understanding of Nature
Children taught about preserving the environment and the methods they should use to maintain the balance.
But, the reality is, a student only reads and learns the chapter to pass in exams, they do this because they have never been close to Nature and only read it in books.
If you want your child to know the importance of the environment then it is very important to take him to a place where he can understand and experience the beauty of nature.
When children go on a trek they live outside for some days away from their houses and gadgets and then they start observing the refined nature which makes them understand in a far better way.
Also, read about – Why Trekking is Important for School Children?
The Confidence Boosts Up
Not every person raised confident, the problem starts underestimating themselves without letting anybody know and in the future, they lack confidence.
Most of the students are not confident and the reason can be any; getting fewer marks or losing in a competition, etc.
When they are on a trek they become responsible for themselves and have to cover the destination marked,
despite the challenges when the destination reached the confidence automatically boosts up.
The child overcomes the fear of failure and tries, the risks and challenges teach them to be bold and confident in order to succeed.
Makes the Child Creative and Supports Problem Solving Nature
While trekking there are several activities which are done on a trek, in the freshness of the environment and away from daily routine the mind works in a better manner with more ideas.
Introducing them to the other side of the world enhances Innovation and Creativity.
While living in camps under the guidance of their parents/teachers and professional guide they are only provided basic necessities.
using which they have to live sometimes the problems arise, without running away from the problems they have to solve them on their own which improves their problem-solving nature.
Improves Relationships
The problem noticed in many children that they do not get socially involved and lack communication.
It badly affects the nature of a person if not solved on time, relationships are a very important part of life whether they are personal or social.
Trekking improves relationships, children stay together for some days with basic necessities they provide no gadgets so they are only left with one option to communicate with mates.
This communication reduces the gap and makes the bonding strong by changing the mindset of not communicating with others.
Refreshes the Mind
Trekking is a recreational activity that’s important for children as it reduces stress and allows the positive vibes to flow in because the serene environment helps in gaining peace.
The pleasing views and confidence which boosted during the journey help the mind in believing the good side of everything which helps a child in refreshing from daily activities.
It benefits in studies and in maintaining the balance.
Improves Management and Develops Team Spirit
Management is a crucial part of life because without proper management no work can go right.
This term applied everywhere from schools to corporate and homes, having good managerial skills means you have chances to excel in your field.
In a trek, these skills improve and enhances because of a particular schedule with mates and followed for some days outdoors,
the children are given different responsibilities which they manage and perform.
When a group of students goes on trekking they have to mutually perform activities in a friendly manner which enhances the team spirit among all and helps in coping up with each other.
Himalayan Hikers “School Tours”
We are working in the field of Adventure for 28 years. It makes us very happy to see that the number of schools is joining us.
People worried about the Safety factor but we take proper care of Safety and Comfort, there are many ways by which we are making your treks safe.
The equipment is of high quality and the guides certified in Wilderness and First Aid.
The environment for students is safe and it helps them in better understanding of Nature and brings them close to it,
the learning they will get from here cannot gain from books on the school campus because practical knowledge is important.
We are doing Eco-friendly trekking since the day we started and encourage others to do so.
Motivating others is a way of improving the wrong practices, the children here are also motivated to use Eco-friendly methods and are told about the cleanliness of places.
School Tours, who do with us regularly
Woodstock School, Mussoorie
Doon School, Dehradun
Birla Public School
Walden School, America
Modi School, Gujarat
Kasiga School, Dehradun
Written by – Tulika Negi
contact me on 9389712482
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